Thursday 28 April 2011


Below is a youtube link which my group and i have created to show our completed horror film opening which is now ready to be burnt onto a DVD:

editing 7th april

Today, our group completed our teen horror opening. We made the changes which we were suggested to from the feedback given to us about our opening. We also created a piano music loop in the programme 'garageband' to go with our horror opening and play throughout. We then created a sound bridge using ambiences from the freesound website we found online. We also rearranged our footage and titles to make it more understandable and tell a better story, and we also took out some shots, and entered some new footage previously recorded. As a group, we are much more pleased with the newer version of our horror opening as we think that it flows much better than before and makes more sense as an opening . We entered the names for our production company -(Prestige Elite) and our distribution company - (MRH Distributions) at the beginning of the opening. We created logos for these using photoshop and online images found, and we recorded vocal sound for the distribution company through garageband. After completing our horror opening, we inserted our names at the beginning o the film as a final feature.

editing 5th april

Our group decided to show our horror opening footage to somebody with no clue as to what it was about or what the storyline was. However, after having received the feedback for our opening it was clear to us that some changes needed to be made. It seemed our opening was not very understandable (as the feedback told us) and it was often unclear what was going on and who was who etc. As a result of this feedback, we decded to re-edit parts of our footage and change our sound which goes with the footage. We decided to change the sounds because there was no sound bridge involved and the sounds we used had little continuity as they were only short peices of different sounds 'merged' together which didn't work very well. It was more clear to us that changes needed to be made after recieving this feedback, because it was not as noticable to us as a group, because we know the storyline and plot ourselves. Now we have this feedback, we can alter our opening to make it clearer for an audience.

editing 4th april

Today, we managed to achieve quite a lot of editting. Firstly, we managed to put sound into the whole of our horror opening, and we also managed to finish the opening titles and titles which would appear throughout the opening. We used to download copyright free soundtracks, which we used in our 2 minute opening. We tried to make sure that the titles were in appropriate places and in time with the sound affects and music. Although we managed to finish all of the editting and sound, we were not sure as a group if the piece was finished as it still did not have a finished feel to it yet. Our next step will be to show somebody our opening to recieve their opinions and feedback.

Monday 4 April 2011


My group used the website; to find different background noises and scary sound affects for our horror opening. We downloaded six different sound tracks which we will consider to use in our opening. We found loud bangs, quiet creepy background music, and various other sound affects when we browsed the site. We saved these downloads onto the desktop and we will be testing them by entering them into our horror opening in final cut.