Tuesday 25 January 2011


We filmed on the thursday just gone (20-02-11)
this was a successful filming session as we recorded a lot of the footage needed, we used the fake blood, knife and the tea towel also. We then looked back at all of our footage and made sure we had a sufficiant amount. We also wrote a few notes (an overall of the storyboard) on what filming needed to be completed, we have crossed these off as they have been done. We also took into account the digetic sound of our piece and filmed sound elements such as footsteps and screams.
We have also decided to go back to filming the beginning as we haven't filmed chronologically.

props so far:
fake blood
tea towel

Our next filming session has been planned to be this thursday (27-02-11).


This is the costume which Hannah George wears whilst filming for 'Claire Clayton's' character. It consists of; a vest top, hoodie and leggings (a typical teenage girl's outfit). We have kept this costume the same during all of our filming sessions for continuity reasons.

Tuesday 18 January 2011


This is one of our props; we have thought about using it during frames when the character of 'Claire' is crying and in a short clip of a knife covered in blood to add tension and mystery.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

filming continued

We filmed again earlier this evening and have lots of footage to worked with. We focused on the outdoor aspects at this shooting as well as the closeup of a character crying which we carried out using an onion for realistic tears.
As well as this; we have decided that our next filming session will be this following thursday.

filming continued

we are planning to film again tonight, 3:30 til 5:30 pm, we will be focusing more on the 'unknown figure' and completely all of that filming in one session as then we won't have to come back to it, this will stop confusion.
As well as this we have been talkign about changing our film opening idea, sticking to the origional theme but changing aspects.

Thursday 6 January 2011

The filming begins

Today we had our first filming session, i feel asthough it went well however, we have diverted from our origional storyboards slightly. We came across few problems whilst filming as Hannah George and I aren't actors, it was difficult to stay in character. We have planned to film next on this following Monday.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


For a few days now, our Hitchcock group, have been discussing the production of our task.
We have decided to meet tomorrow (Thursday 6th) from the times of 3:30 til 5:30 at our chosen location to begin filming. a while ago we had some problems in booking out the cameras, however, today, we made sure that a camera would be avaliable for our use tomorrow for a promt start.