Thursday 30 September 2010

preliminary task preparation

Today, my group and i took around 45 minutes to get lots of differnt footage and angles for our preliminary task. We then managed to upload it all onto the Mac computers and it's now ready for editing. 

Wednesday 29 September 2010

genres and horror

today we learnt the definition of a genre and a hybrid. We mainly focused on Horror as this is what our course final will be based on (a two minute opening of a horror film). We learnt what kind of things are associated with horror films such as darkness, voices and vistims as well as looking at some famous iconic horror characters.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


For around 5Ominutes, my group and i (the Hitchcock group made up of Hannah George, Matthew Tyler & myself) spent some time practice filming for our preliminary task. We took lots of footage from lots of angles and using lots of camera movement and we are all happy that we got sufficiant footage that could be edited to make a good video.

Downloading footage from camera to mac

We've now been taught how to get footage from the camera to a mac computor using a camera legira, a USB lead and a mac. It's quite a complicated process but after lots of practice i think it becomes easier.

transitions and effects

During the lesson today, we were shown a variety of transitions and effects that can be used while video editing on final cut express. Wed did this an edited a pre recorded video for around 40minutes along with being shown tutorials on the programme which i have used since.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Final Cut Express

I've now learnt the basics of Final cut exppress (a video editing programme) we spent some time on the Mac computers editing some pre-recorded footage. This will help with my preliminary task and later on; the foundation portfolio.
I've also looked further at tutorials on how to use and navigate around Final cut express (the link given to me on the teachers blog.)

Tuesday 21 September 2010


Last lesson, my group and i finished our storyboard (it's 11 shots long) we got th group name of 'Hitchcock'.
As well as this;  i learnt how to use the camera which is a Canon Legira, how to use the tripod and how to use them together to create differnt camera angles.
I learnt about setting up the equiptment and when i am able to us it. 

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Today, in lesson, we recapped over camera angles and camera movements in order to annotate our storyboards. Hannah George, Matthew Tyler and myself are currently drawing what we want to happen in each shot and we have come in with ideas for our preliminary task.

what i've done so far...

So far in media studies i've learnt how to and created this blog and how to navigate my way around the webpage and opened myself a slideshare account which will allow me to add slideshows to my blog. 
I then learnt how to use my school email account and how to recive and send emails needed.
Also; i learnt key words and phrases for the language needed (after watching two videos about camera angles and camera movement). As well as being informed about and understanding the preliminary task!
My group: Hannah George, Matthew Tyler and myself.